You’re Dating a Chef? Please Read This!

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If you just googled, “Dating a chef” and arrived here, welcome.  Welcome to this crazy life of being involved with someone in the culinary industry.

I would guess the reason you googled this topic is because dating a chef is not exactly what you expected it would be.  Perhaps you’re lonely, frustrated by the hours, struggling with finding time to spend together, or even time to talk.

Well guess what?



Don’t you feel so much better already?

There are tons of us out there, who are somehow connected to a chef . . . married, dating, parents, siblings, etc.

There are others out there who can relate to the crazy obsession with chef knivesthings for the kitchen and cookbooks.  Nice!! 🙂 (more…)

Suicide in the Culinary Industry…Thoughts from a Chef’s Wife

Waking up this morning to find out that Anthony Bourdain had committed suicide was a shock for all of us.  I can’t imagine the pain he must have been in to feel that suicide was the only option.

As an outsider, his life looked pretty great to most of us.  He was a successful chef, writer and TV show host.  He had a girlfriend and appeared happy in the relationship.  He was the father of a young daughter.  Media and Social Media made him appear so successful and happy.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

It makes me question why suicide, mental health issues, drugs and alcohol are all such problems in the Culinary Industry. (more…)

Do you Ever Feel Like You Are Living Separate Lives?

Why yes I do.  Thanks for asking.

Sometimes I feel like I have my life here at home with the girls and my husband has his life at work and then here at home.  The things we each do in a day are so different from each other.  Our two lives come together for a few minutes a day and then we go our separate ways.

The majority of the year he does get 2 days off a week.  During those weeks, he doesn’t seem like a stranger.  There is time to talk (even if it’s chaotic with kids running around), meals together as a family, etc.  However, there are times, like day 11 of a 14 day stretch with no days off.  This doesn’t happen often, but occasionally it does.  I really miss him during those times.

11 long days of work in a row.  Has anyone seen my husband?  (Just kidding.)  Oh look, the restaurant just posted a picture of him on Twitter.  (Seriously, this has happened before and I laughed and said to myself, “Oh look, that’s what my husband is up to right now.” (more…)

Chef Wives, You Are Not a Single Parent

I wrote the post below back in July, but never published it. Tonight I’m sitting on the bed, wishing my husband was home with us. It’s Cinco de Mayo – the busiest night of the year for his restaurants. We haven’t seen him all week and we miss him. I’m tired. The kids have been arguing while making Mother’s Day cards. (Really?????? I don’t want have to discipline for that!! Ugh!! I really wish he were here to deal with the Mother’s Day card arguing…)

Have you ever referred to yourself as a single parent because of your husband’s career as a chef?

They work a ton of hours.  They are gone the majority if not all of the hours the kids are awake. Because of this, the parenting on the days they work (and sometimes even on their days off) falls on us.

It’s hard.

I get it.

I’m living it.

There are many days our girls do not see my husband because he leaves before or just as they are getting up and gets home just after they are in bed. Having a 1 hour + commute on top of the long hours of a chef is tough. My husband would have to leave work at 5 pm (and then sit in the car for 2 hours because of traffic) to be home to see them for an hour before they go to bed (which is not their best time of day). The mornings, it’s the same. If he doesn’t leave before 6 am, the commute can be almost 2 hours long. There’s really no option for a change of hours, so we find way to work with the schedule the best we can.


What is it Like to be Married to a Chief Culinary Officer?

This is the final post of this type is this series where we’ve walked through each cooking/chef position in the restaurant kitchen and have learned what it’s like to be married to or date someone in that position.  (Next week I have a post from a Chef who offered to answer the questions.,  YAY!!)

Today, I’ll be answering the same questions.  My husband is currently the Chief Culinary Officer for the Opper Melang restaurant group in Seattle, Washington.

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

I met my husband when I was 4 and he was 5.  We were high school sweethearts and got married at 20 and 21.  He started working as a line cook about 6 months after we got married.

What position does your chef/cook have in the kitchen?  Briefly describe the size and type of restaurant he is working at (fine dining/casual, size, privately owned or part of a restaurant group, etc.).

My husband is the Chief Culinary Officer of a restaurant group based out of Seattle, Washington.  Currently they have 3 restaurant concepts (Mexican, Southern BBQ and Oyster Bar) and 12 locations, with a plan to open 3-5 a year for a while.  Currently about half of the restaurants are within driving distance.  When he visits the others (which are clumped together in different cities), he travels.  There are two owners and a CEO above him. (more…)