I don’t know about you, but I get REALLY EXCITED when I see another post that has something to do with being married to or raising a family with a chef show up in my blog reader. I LOVE reading what others write on this topic.
If you would like to guest post on my blog and share your story with others, I would love that! Whether you have your own blog or just want to write on mine one time, let’s chat!! All I ask is that you keep the language rated “G”.
Please email suggested posts or topic ideas to jennifer (at) emulsifiedfamily (dot) com.
From one chef’s wife to another,
My and my chef boyfriend have been together for 6 months now and last night we had a huge argument about his working hours and not being able to keep plans or make promises.. I really love him but last night I wondered if I could be able to cope with the late nights, long hours etc..
You’re blog has really helped and made me feel that I am not alone and made me realize that Im not the only person with these feelings
Oh yes . . . you are definitely not alone! Hang in there! 🙂
I just wanted to say your posts have been great I started off with how to clean a chefs coat and I have read tons of the blogs! I appreciate it very much.
Thank you so much Michelle! Good luck with the laundry! 🙁
I can say our lives are definitely crazy. I have enjoyed every up and down of being married to a chef!