How to Blog in a Small Niche – Pinterest Tips and Tricks

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When you write a blog, no matter how amazing your content is, you have to find a way to get your blog in front of your target audience.  If you are blogging in a small niche, you have fewer bloggers to collaborate with to help spread the word about your topic.

I’ve already discussed Blog Promotion in detail in this post, but today I want to share about how Pinterest has helped me grow my blog (which is in a very small niche).

Now I know what you’re thinking.

Why would you use Pinterest to promote a blog about being married to a chef?  You’re not posting recipes and crafty things.

You’re right.  I’m not.

But there are some people, like me, who use Pinterest to organize non-crafty and non-foodie things they find online and want to keep to refer to at a later date.

After consistently using Pinterest for a few months and pinning things from my blog and also from around the web, traffic to my blog from Pinterest went way up, and continues to do so, now sending me more followers than Facebook and Twitter combined.  Who knew?  (more…)

What’s Up Wednesday – A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife

What's Up Wednesday - A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife

Today, I’m linking up with a few other blogs over on The Hallway, (a lifestyle blog written by fellow chef wife Shannon Hall).  It’s just a fun way to get to know others and to let our readers know a bit more about us.

So here’s a bit about what’s been going on in the life of this chef wife lately:

What I loved about the past week:

My chef/husband being around more to help with the kids.  That might not seem like a big deal to many, but it was a rough week and it was really helpful to have him home a few evenings for support!  It was nice to not feel like I was parenting alone!  (Sigh of relief!!) (more…)

Where Do You Eat When You Travel With a Chef?

I don’t know about you, but when we travel, we always ask a local resident working at the hotel or grocery store, where the best place to eat in town is.  We want to experience the food of the area we are visiting (and because my husband is a chef, we are a little picky about where to eat.)

While the internet is a great resource for finding local restaurants, it doesn’t tell you much about the quality of the food.  And we all know that reviews on Yelp or another site like it, don’t necessarily represent what the restaurant is ACTUALLY like.  This leaves us back to asking the locals where to eat.

Late last year, I found out about another option for dining out when traveling.  (more…)

How to Have a Successful Career AND be Married to a Chef – Part 3

Today, as we continue on in our series talking about how to have a successful career AND be married to a chef (oh, and don’t forget about kids), I’d like to introduce you to Amity Howard Reiss.

Amity is a wife of 10 years and has been together for 19 with a successful Executive Chef. Chef Joel Reiss has worked for some of the most well known establishments and Chefs in NYC. He is currently the Executive Chef for the S Prime Steakhouse in Long Island City, Queens. She is a full time school psychologist for a Nassau County school district and slowly starting a part time photography business. They have two amazing little boys, 4 and 5 years old, and reside in Oceanside, NY.

I’m so thankful for Amity’s willingness to share her thoughts on this important topic that many of you have expressed interest in. 

A woman can do it all! That is how I truly feel. We can support our husbands in their career, honor our own path in our personal pursuits of interest and raise our children to be intelligent, compassionate and successful citizens. Now, how we manage to do this takes a strong path of conviction, not to mention a great amount of compromise and sacrifice at times.

How to have a successful career and be married to a chef? Let’s now add children to that equation? How to have a career, be married to a chef and raise a family…all successfully??

Let’s chuckle a little at that and be honest. It’s not an easy task and I would hardly admit that I am successful at any one area. Sometimes it feels like I am flying by the seat of my pants just near the precipice at all times. (more…)

Random Thoughts for a Late Saturday Evening

Things going through the mind of a 39 year old chef’s wife on a Saturday night . . .

  • It’s Saturday night and my husband is home (asleep on the couch across the room from me.)  Having him home on a Saturday makes me question what day it is as it rarely happens.  I just looked at the calendar.  Yes.  It’s Saturday.
  • Why is it raining on the last weekend of summer vacation?
  • School starts in 3 days.  I’m not ready to have my kids and husband on opposite schedules again.  I wonder if his new position at work will change his days off at all?
  • How is it that my chef/husband can fall asleep in the living room with the chaos of 3 children all around him?  Oh right, he worked about 60 hours in the past 4 days.
  • I wish it would stop raining.
  • It looks like we will be able to go to church as a family tomorrow morning.  I hope no one wakes up sick in the morning . . .
  • I turn 40 in 4 days.  How is that possible?
  • I wonder what I should make for breakfast tomorrow morning.
  • What will it be like to have all 3 girls in school for at least part of the day?  Will I cry when I put our youngest on the bus on Friday?
  • Why is it still raining . . . seriously?
  • I probably should try to wake my chef/husband up sometime soon and have him move into the bedroom to sleep.
