What’s Up Wednesday – A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife

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What's Up Wednesday - A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife

Today, I’m linking up with a few other blogs over on The Hallway, (a lifestyle blog written by fellow chef wife Shannon Hall).  It’s just a fun way to get to know others and to let our readers know a bit more about us.

So here’s a bit about what’s been going on in the life of this chef wife lately:

What I loved about the past week:

My chef/husband being around more to help with the kids.  That might not seem like a big deal to many, but it was a rough week and it was really helpful to have him home a few evenings for support!  It was nice to not feel like I was parenting alone!  (Sigh of relief!!)

What I’m looking forward to:

Summer!!  I’m ready to head down to the lake every day and let the kids swim while I hang out with friends!  I’m done with this rain . . . and that’s not a good thing to be saying since I live in Seattle and it rains A LOT!!  Maybe we just need a vacation . . .

What I ate for dinner last night:

Not so sloppy joes, coleslaw, strawberries, grapes and a brownie.  Comfort food at its best!

What I’m craving:

Dessert!!  We had to cut dairy out of our oldest daughter’s diet recently, so I’ve been baking less.  I miss dessert, but don’t feel like I can make brownies or cookies and then tell her she can’t have any.  We are slowly introducing it again, so we’ll see what happens.  Maybe I can start having too much dessert around the house again!

What I’m doing this weekend:

It’s Valentine’s Day and my chef/husband is off for the first time EVER since he’s been a chef!  Of course he’s getting back from a week long business trip at 12:20am that morning, so he’ll probably be sleeping a lot that day, but we are hoping to cook a “fancy” dinner for him.  The girls want us all to get dressed up too.  (We’ll see if that ends up happening.)  What do people actually do on Valentine’s Day?  This is all new to me!

On another note . . .Yesterday was the 10th day of the month when I try and take a 10 pictures throughout the day to capture what’s going on with our family.  (I only got 9 decent ones yesterday.  I still need to figure out the fancy camera.  I need help!)  Here are a few of my favorites.  (Notice the chef is MIA.  We did not see him at all yesterday.  Oh, the life of a chef wife.)

How was your day?  Was it full of Valentine activities like mine was? Let me know in the comments!

From one chef’s wife to another,





Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board The Life of a Chef Wife on Pinterest.


  1. Katie

    Oh man…cutting out dessert would be soooo hard for me. I’m a sucker for the dessert menu at restaurants. I am also looking forward to summer! No school and fun in the sun! Thanks for linking up with us today! I’m excited to get to know you through your blog!

    • Jennifer

      Thank Katie. (I have snuck a few desserts home from the grocery store and eaten them when she’s not around. Shhh! Don’t tell.)

  2. Ashley

    I love the idea of taking pictures throughout the day. So cute! I hope y’all have a great Valentine’s Day, and I always dress up for Valentine’s day even if I don’t have big plans. Thanks for linking up with us!

    • Jennifer

      I love taking the pictures once a month. It’s a great way for me to remember to “document” what’s going on in our lives when things get busy! Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well!

  3. Alyson

    I find that Valentines thing for the kids really creepy and weird. I guess it’s common to do that in the States? Maybe it is in Britain now too, but it wasn’t for me growing up.

    • Jennifer

      Between today and tomorrow, I am at the school 3 times for Valentine parties. We bought 6 boxes of valentines because the companies are “brilliant” and make sure they just small enough that you have to buy two so you have enough for the entire class. It’s very silly. But the kids love it. Is it just here in the US? Besides Britain, have you seen this anywhere else?

  4. Shannon Hall

    I’m jealous that you ate a brownie for dinner… I’ve been craving brownies like crazy! But I guess I can’t complain because it would be rough for me to have to sneak them! Also, I’m glad your husband is off on Valentine’s Day, that’s awesome! I hope it is amazing!

    • Jennifer

      I didn’t have to sneak the brownie this time. We are starting to introduce dairy slowly again to see what triggers stomach aches. The brownies didn’t cause a problem!! Woohoo!!

      Have a great day celebrating with your chef today! 🙂


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