Mother of a Chef

As Mother’s Day approaches, I know for many of us, it will just be a normal day . . . husband at work (on arguably the busiest day of the year) and us home with the kids.  But instead of dwelling on that, I thought it would be fun to hear what it’s like to be the mother of a chef and who better to chat about this with than my sweet mother-in-law, Susan!

My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and he was 16.  From the very first time I was over at their house, (as a girlfriend, not as a 5 year old with my family who supposedly sang and danced in front of the fireplace) I was treated like family.

There are many things I admire about my mother-in-law but the main one that stands out to me is her love for and dedication to her family.  There is nothing she (and my father-in-law) wouldn’t do for her children and their families.  The time and effort she puts into being a Mom and Grandma amazes me every day.  She is a wonderful example of a godly Mother and wife and I am so grateful God allowed me to marry into her family and to be able to call her Mom.

So as we get ready to celebrate her this weekend (from 19 hours away – BOO!!), I thought it would be fun to ask her some questions about what it is like to be the mother of a chef AND the mother of a general manager/restaurant owner.

Yes, you read that right.  2 out of her 3 adult children are in the restaurant industry! (more…)

10 Most Popular Posts of 2014

Every time I look at the calendar, I am amazed that we’re in a new year.  2014 just flew by for our family.

Somehow in the midst of the craziness I started blogging.  I had no idea how much I would enjoy writing and really wasn’t prepared for all the comments and emails I would get from so many people around the world that could relate to my life!

Today I thought I’d share my 5 most visited blog posts/pages from 2014 and also my 5 personal favorite posts.

Emulsified Family Top Posts of 2014Top 5 most visited posts/pages of 2014:

You’re Dating a Chef?  Please Read This! – Every month, this post is at the top of the list!  Dating a chef is not easy!

How to Clean a Chef Coat – Yep!  It’s a pain, but somebody has to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions about Being Married to a Chef – Just trying to dispel the crazy myths about being married to a chef.  (No, they do not cook for us every night!)

You Know Your Dad’s a Chef When . . . Part 2 – Our kindergartner wrote Modernist Cuisine on her homework and I tweeted about it.  Modernist Cuisine tweeted back and my site went crazy with visitors!  Woohoo!!

Stitch Fix – This has absolutely nothing to do with raising a family with a chef, but all about me falling in love with this company.  Who doesn’t love having great clothes show up in a box at your doorstep?  I tweeted about this page. Stitch Fix pinned in on Pinterest and people visited.  I doubt any of them were chef wives, but you never know. 🙂


My 5 favorite posts from 2014:

Letter to a Young Chef Wife – I loved putting together a list of things I wish I knew 19 years ago when my husband first started working in a professional kitchen.

The Hands of a Chef – I asked for pictures of chef’s hands on Facebook and received such a great response.  🙂 (more…)

We Made it ‘Til January 2nd!

we made it til january 2ndIf you are married to or dating a chef, you know what I mean.  It’s not that we don’t like the holidays, it’s just that we don’t see our chefs much or at all during the month of December.  So once January 2nd comes around, we are pretty excited!!  Things “should” slow down a bit in the restaurant, our chefs will be home trying to catch up on sleep and family time and we can all breathe a sigh of relief!

(Although January 2nd falling on a weekend might mess that up for us this year.)

Whatever the case, I’m ready for the new year.

Now looking ahead to Valentine’s Day . . . just kidding.

We survived the Christmas season as the family of a chef, although it was a very different month for us.  Things have really changed in my chef/husband’s career and while the hours were still really long, he was off 3 weekends and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  That has NEVER happened.  The days he was working, his to do list was very long, but it actually didn’t have anything to do with the Christmas season.  So it was a different season for us.  Good, but different (and not what I had expected at all!!)

With that being said, I have absolutely no idea what the new year will bring.  What I’ve come to know as the wife of chef is changing by the day.  While I’m excited about these changes, there’s a small part of me that is anxious as well.  I’m not a big fan of the “unknown,” but we’ll just take one day at a time and trust in God’s plan for our family. (more…)

Merry Christmas

Tonight will be a CRAZY night at work for the chefs in our lives.  Christmas parties, large groups, families and friends will be gathering and celebrating during this, the last weekend before Christmas.

But yet, here we are, still at home, alone.  🙂

How has the Christmas season been for you as a chef, chef wife or significant other?

Are you surviving?

I’m doing pretty well.  Thanks for asking. (more…)

Happy Day After Thanksgiving

{This post contains affiliate links.}

While many people are out shopping the Black Friday sales, we are staying in today to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family.

1,000 guests have been served.

Too much food has been eaten.

The piano has been played.


Executive Chef Tom Small playing the piano for our guests. Happy Thanksgiving!

A video posted by Palisade Restaurant (@palisadesea) on

(Look at this video the restaurant posted on Instagram of my chef/husband playing the piano HIGH UP IN THE AIR on Thanksgiving!!  That is crazy!!) (more…)