What is it like to be a Chef?

When I started this series about what it’s like to be married to or date a chef in a specific area of the kitchen, I had one of my readers, who is the chef in the relationship, ask if she could answer the questions.  Of course I said yes!!

So today, I’d like to introduce you to Chef Heather Turner.  You can find out more about her on her website or on Facebook or Twitter.

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

I worked in professional kitchens since I was 13 (with a work permit), 20 years in the business with the last 8 as an executive chef. I met my husband about 3 years after I graduated from the Culinary Institute of America. I was actually married at the time (to another chef) and we became friends. He was working as a salesperson for Dole & Bailey, a high end white tablecloth supplier. We’ve been together for about 18 years now, 11 years married. 2 step daughters who are totally awesome. I’ve been out of the business now for about 10+ years but still do restaurant consulting and still dream of being on a line cranking covers out. Oddly enough they are never dreams of running out of food during a rush but instead of the adrenaline junkie rush that one gets when you get into the groove of being super organized and on a roll. I always wake up from those thinking I really need to get back into the biz and then I kick myself. (more…)

So You Want to Own a Restaurant . . .

Has your chef ever thought about opening their own restaurant?

As I’m sitting here working on this post, my husband reads the title and immediately says, “No way!”

It’s definitely not for everyone.  But I know many chefs who would like to one day have their own place and many chef girlfriends and wives (or husbands and boyfriends) who wonder what it would really be like.

There are a few chef wives who have written books about opening a restaurant with their chefs.  You can read about Delancey and Wife of the Chef in a few posts I wrote last year after I read the books.

But today, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Dhanny.  I met her through this blog and have LOVED getting to know her this past year!  She has such a great perspective on restaurant ownership and I’m thankful she’s willing to share her story with us today!

Dhanny and her chef/husband Joe own My Kitchen Restaurant in New York.  If you live near by or travel there, I’m sure they’d love for you to stop by. 🙂 (more…)

What is it Like to date a Sous Chef/Kitchen Manager?

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Corrina Zieba.  She is dating a Sous Chef/Kitchen Manager.  It’s fascinating to me how all our stories are just a little different, but yet have so many similarities!

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

My chef and I met online. He’s 25, I’ll be 24 in August. He went to school primarily for pastry. We’ve been dating for 7 months. We do not have any kids and live separately.

What position does your chef/cook have in the kitchen?  Briefly describe the size and type of restaurant he is working at (fine dining/casual, size, privately owned or part of a restaurant group, etc.).

My chef is a co-sous chef/kitchen manager. At this time there is no “technical” executive chef at his restaurant. His restaurant could easily seat 300 people at one time. It is a New American Restaurant, Bar & Hotel on the beach, not so casual, but not overly fancy either. It is privately owned, but the owners have two other restaurants that occasionally share employees in the off season and other restaurants in other states.


Meet the Chef Wife Behind Emulsified Family

This month I’m participating in a 30 day YouTube challenge where I post 1 video a day.  I think I’m a bit crazy for trying this, but who knows, maybe I’ll really enjoy it!  So here is my first video.  Since there are many of you new to the blog lately, I thought I’d do a quick intro video so you could meet the chef wife behind Emulsified Family.  You can also read more about our family on this page.
