Do Chefs Get Vacation Time? – Part 2

I’m coming back to this question again, “Do chefs get vacation time?” as I think about our quick last minute getaway as a family last week.  Taking a vacation with your family when you are a chef is not easy.  You have to plan your time off around holidays, menu changes, events, restaurant openings, etc.  Then throw the traditional school calendar in to the mix and GOOD LUCK finding a time to get away.

In the past, we’ve taken the girls out of school for a day or two so we could get away as a family.  But this past week, their mid-winter break lined up with a good day for my chef/husband to take off.  So with that extra day and his normal 2 days off, we headed up to northern WA.  The forecast for our days away was sunny (which rarely happens up here in February) and we were able to get a few last minute hotel reservations.  It was an amazing time away and really good for our family to spend uninterrupted time together.

I won’t bore you with the details of the trip (but will of course share a few of my favorite pictures.) (more…)

Where Do You Eat When You Travel With a Chef?

I don’t know about you, but when we travel, we always ask a local resident working at the hotel or grocery store, where the best place to eat in town is.  We want to experience the food of the area we are visiting (and because my husband is a chef, we are a little picky about where to eat.)

While the internet is a great resource for finding local restaurants, it doesn’t tell you much about the quality of the food.  And we all know that reviews on Yelp or another site like it, don’t necessarily represent what the restaurant is ACTUALLY like.  This leaves us back to asking the locals where to eat.

Late last year, I found out about another option for dining out when traveling.  (more…)

Sending a Chef to the Grocery Store

Sometimes you just need to send your husband to the grocery store.  Maybe it’s because your kids are sick and you can’t get out of the house.  Maybe you forgot something for dinner and need him to pick it up on the way home.   Whatever the case may be, sometimes it’s just necessary.

I will never forget a conversation I had with a friend about 15 years ago.  She was telling me how hard it was when her husband ran to the grocery store because he couldn’t find things and usually ended up getting the wrong item(s).

I have be to honest.  I couldn’t relate to her problem because I’m married to a chef.  My husband lives and breathes food every minute of the day.  If anything, he should be worried about me running to the store!

I recently came across this video on YouTube about this grocery store “problem”.  While I can’t relate, I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! (more…)