Reflections on Being Married to a Chef or Dating a Chef on Valentine’s Day

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It’s almost here.  The day we’ve all be waiting for.  The day we celebrate our love for each other . . . oh wait . . . the person we love is a chef and is working that night (and all the days around Valentine’s Day).

So what does Valentine’s Day mean to many chef wives and significant others?

A night alone.

Yep.  That pretty much sums it up.  It stinks.  I know.

Thanks for watching.  If this is a tough holiday for you, hang in there.  I’ve been there.  I know it’s not easy.  You might also enjoy this post, Today Might Not be my Day.

Whether your chef is working or not, what are your plans for Valentine’s Day?  Let me know in the comments below.

And I’m sure we’ll be chatting about our exciting Valentine’s Day plans in our private Facebook group.  If you are a wife or significant other of a chef, feel free to join the group, “Days of our Emulsified Family.”  🙂

Reflections on being married to a chef or dating a chef on Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine’s Day from one chef’s wife to another,


Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board Married to a Chef on Pinterest.


  1. Sandra

    Sometimes I feel lonlier than I did being single. It’s only been a year of dating and I’m struggling. I say dating but feel I never see him.

    • Jennifer

      I know it’s hard and holidays seem to be even harder than normal. 🙁 So sorry!!

  2. Samantha

    Happy Valentine’s Day to us all… we are strong! My husband just opened a new restaurant, so it’s been a lot more alone time than usual, but im busy wiith our 2 kids. I’m proud of my husband, and I get to be a stay at home mother because of his hard work, and all the blood, sweat, and tears that WE both put into our relationship, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!!

    • Jennifer

      So well said! Happy Valentine’s Day!

      • Mary Graham

        Just saw this. I dont see a date. I too am married to a chef for 30 years. It has become second nature to adjust and sacrifice, but sometimes I think it’s about being selfish as a couple. We are in upstate NY horse racing season..chefs get one day off and very long days,Recently I went on a vacation with kids and extended family for 2 weeks of course no husband for me..Soon after.. a family picnic 4 hrs away was coming up…so more overnight that he can’t attend, and I could possibly miss his one day off. I had to be selfish and back out of This family picnic. The frustrating part for me is people don’t understand the crazy schedule, and that need to be selfish.

        • Jennifer

          I get it! Family time is so important and we have to protect it!! 🙂 It’s not always an easy decision to make though.

  3. kim rivera

    My daughter an I are going to his work to eat

    • Jennifer

      How fun! I hope he is able to come out and say hello at some point during your meal! 🙂

  4. Julia

    I’m taking my grandparents and a few others to dinner (early early reservation before the organized chaos were to begin)
    My fiancé and I have started a tradition where we don’t celebrate the holiday together on that actual day we pick a different day generally Monday’s.

    • Jennifer

      We celebrated on Mondays for many years as well. What’s important, is that you make time to celebrate, and don’t just skip over holidays. Glad you found something that works for you.


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