Ladies Night Out

Emulsified Family

While there are many times I feel like my chef/husband and I live separate lives, last night, our lives truly came together.  He was asked to do a cooking demonstration for a Ladies Night Out at our church.  Oh it was so much fun!  I just love to watch him teach!

So ladies from church and guests who joined us for the evening, this post is for you.  🙂  (And everyone else who is reading, feel free to keep reading.)

As promised, here are the recipes Tom used last night (scaled down to home quantities as best as possible.)

Feel free to email any questions you have or leave a comment on the recipe post and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with an answer!

(And special thanks to my sweet friend Becky for taking some pictures for me (and for the AMAZING family pictures on this site!!  I probably owe you another meal . . .)


panzanella saladRecipes:

Bacon Marmelade

Citrus Vinaigrette

Hibiscus Lemonade


Pickled Vegetables

Pimento Cheese

Spring Panzanella Salad


Other recipes and resources Tom talked about:

Yogurt Sorbet

Fish Brine

Chicken Brine

How to de-bone a turkey (and other Thanksgiving tips)

Ice Cream – please email me for the recipe

Dare to Cook Tom SmallDare to Cook Videos that Tom has filmed (no sales pitch here, just in case you are interested.)

He mentioned having a video of taking the bones out of a salmon.  This was done for work and I don’t have a copy yet.  I’ll post it as soon as I have it.  Sorry!



Thanks for coming last night ladies!  It was fun to spend time with friends and meet new people.  As Tom said, he (and I) love to talk about food, God and family (not necessarily in that order.)  While we of course would love for you to eat well, we care more about where you will spend eternity.  I appreciate Catherine taking the time to share her testimony with us last night and I know that she, or Tom or I would love to talk with you more if you have any questions.  (You can read my testimony here if you are interested.)

Happy cooking!


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