How to Not Read Into Your Chef’s Mood

I wish I could say I have figured out the whole “How to not read something into your chef’s mood and emotions” thing…but I haven’t.  🙁

22 years…we’ve been married for 22 years…yet I still tend to think he’s mad at me or that I’ve done something wrong when he’s stressed and in a not so wonderful mood.


When Your 4 Year Old Finds Your Chef’s Sharpie

Chefs and Sharpies…two words that go hand in hand.

Rarely will you find a chef without a Sharpie in their pocket, or at least near by.

I get it.  They label things all the time and ask us to do the same at home, right????

Leaving Sharpies around the house and car isn’t that big of a deal unless one goes through the wash and the cap falls off (UGH!!!) or unless you have small children!

Our kids (12, 8 and 7) think a black sharpie is just like a regular washable Crayola black marker.  I’m constantly scrubbing it off the table in our office and reminding them to please, JUST USE A REGULAR MARKER!

