Suicide in the Culinary Industry…Thoughts from a Chef’s Wife

Waking up this morning to find out that Anthony Bourdain had committed suicide was a shock for all of us.  I can’t imagine the pain he must have been in to feel that suicide was the only option.

As an outsider, his life looked pretty great to most of us.  He was a successful chef, writer and TV show host.  He had a girlfriend and appeared happy in the relationship.  He was the father of a young daughter.  Media and Social Media made him appear so successful and happy.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

It makes me question why suicide, mental health issues, drugs and alcohol are all such problems in the Culinary Industry. (more…)

Day 5 – Remember the Reason for the Season (12 Days of Encouragement of the Chef’s Family)

Christmas time is busy, not only for our chefs in the restaurant, but for us at home and work.

As the calendar starts to fill up, it’s hard to not get sucked up into all the commercialism and craziness of the season!12 days of encouragement for the chefs family

For our family, Christmas is not about presents and Santa.  It’s not about Christmas lights and candy canes.  While we do celebrate these things with our children, I never want them (or us) to lose sight of the real reason for the Christmas season – the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

As the girls and I shop for gifts for others, I love talking with them about the greatest gift of all, one we did not deserve nor could ever earn.  Every day, I’m humbled that God would chose to send His Son to be the Savior of a world, full of sinners like me.  (You can read more about this over here.)


When Your 4 Year Old Finds Your Chef’s Sharpie

Chefs and Sharpies…two words that go hand in hand.

Rarely will you find a chef without a Sharpie in their pocket, or at least near by.

I get it.  They label things all the time and ask us to do the same at home, right????

Leaving Sharpies around the house and car isn’t that big of a deal unless one goes through the wash and the cap falls off (UGH!!!) or unless you have small children!

Our kids (12, 8 and 7) think a black sharpie is just like a regular washable Crayola black marker.  I’m constantly scrubbing it off the table in our office and reminding them to please, JUST USE A REGULAR MARKER!



What is it Like to be Married to an Executive Chef?

We’re moving up in the kitchen today to the position of Executive Chef.  Today, Chef Wife Claudia Strange shares what it’s like to be married to an Executive Chef (and have 2 young children).  I know many of you can relate!

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

I met my Chef in 2007 (8 years).  We had both been through divorce recently and were introduced by mutual friends.  He had long hair, played the guitar and was a chef.  I was hooked immediately.   We dated on and off for a couple of years then got more serious after a while.  We got married and had our son within two weeks of each other in 2011 and welcomed a daughter in 2013.  I work full time as a communications professional in local government.  My husband and I will celebrate 5 years of marriage in December (the 22nd to be exact ).

What position does your chef/cook have in the kitchen?  Briefly describe the size and type of restaurant he is working at (fine dining/casual, size, privately owned or part of a restaurant group, etc.).

My husband is Executive Chef at his restaurant Strip in Atlantic Station, Atlanta, Georgia.  It’s a steak/chop house, sushi and higher end bar.  I guess it would be considered casual dining. The restaurant is fairly big, seats 750 plus a private dining room, second level dining overlooking the “station” and VIP rooftop bar.  It’s owned by a restaurant group with various other concepts.  There are 8 restaurants in the group right now.
