It’s Time for a Giveaway

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Giveaway, giveaway, giveaway . . . everyone says I should have a giveaway on my blog.  But what in the world do you offer a group of chefs, their spouses or significant others and some of my AMAZING friends who just read my blog because they love me?

A cookbook or secret recipe? (Because we need another one of those like we need a hole in the head.)

A crock pot? (Because we all need MORE things in our kitchen)

A knife? (That might actually be OK, since many of our chefs keep their best knives at work.)

As I thought about those suggestions from others, none of them seemed like the perfect giveaway.

But you know what is?

A bar of soap AND caffeine!Netepur Bar giveaway

Not to be used at the same time of course!

Yep!  I’m giving away a bar of soap and a $10 Starbucks Gift Card.

This is probably the most random set of things to give away together, but it totally makes sense!

The Starbucks card is perfect for the late night caffeine you need to help you stay awake so you can see your chef when they get home from work.

But a bar of soap?

It’s not just any bar of soap.  It’s the Netepur Bar from H2O at Home and it will change how you wash chef coats (at least it did for me.)

That totally sounds like a sales pitch.  Haha! It’s not.  I promise!  I don’t get any sort of commission if you buy one.  I just really like it.

Many, many times, I have expressed my dislike for cleaning chef coats.  I’ve washed them for 19 years and still don’t like them.  (Although my attitude is much better about them than it was 19 years ago.  I no longer hate them.  Now I just dislike them.  And since I found the Netepur Bar, I despise washing them a lot less.)

While it’s still a lot of work to get stains out of white chef coats, this bar of soap works so much better than anything else I have found on the market.  (You can read more about it here.)  It also works REALLY WELL on my light colored carpet and the kids clothes.

So today, I’d like to give one of you a Netepur Bar to try for yourself.  I really think you’ll like it.

I am happy to ship anywhere in the world, so this giveaway is open to anyone, as long as you live in a country I can buy a Starbucks card for.  (For example, I can’t be here in the US and buy a Starbucks card you can use in India.  I’ve tried before.  There’s no way to do it.  Sorry.)

The contest runs from midnight on 2/6/2015 to midnight on 2/12/2015 (PST).

Good luck!  (Scroll down to enter!)

From one chef’s wife to another,




Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board Married to a Chef on Pinterest.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. E

    Thank you so much for this giveaway. We’ve been meaning to try out this soap because we have yet to find the best way to keep my chef husband’s white coats clean – so much so that we often times just go with the black coat instead!

    • Jennifer

      Thanks! Good luck! I wish we had the option of black coats. Although, I wonder if they would show grease stains still? 🙂

      • E

        Grease stains do still show on the black coats, but not as badly as on the white coats. I use dishwashing soap and that usually gets the grease stains out. I also never put the coats in the dryer – always hang dry. That way, if there is a particularly stubborn stain, it doesn’t get “set in” by the heat from the dryer. 🙂

        • Jennifer

          Skipping the dryer is a great suggestion! Although I would have to iron them then. 🙁

  2. Amy

    A giveaway sounds great! lol 😉 I hope whoever wins really needs it. haha but who doesn’t need that amazing soap to clean chef coats with?

    • Jennifer

      You would love it Amy. 🙂

  3. Chloe

    This soap sounds absolutely amazing! I too detest washing the whites. I love your blog it has really helped me as a young chef wife to be (wedding this april) to see perspective and understand life a bit better. I appreciate you so much for guiding me to be a better wife

    • Jennifer

      Thank you for the encouragement! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. 🙂 How exciting!!

  4. Tiffany

    Anything that gets these darn chef coats clean! Awesome giveaway, Jennifer! 🙂

  5. Julie Raye-Rod

    This soap definitely sounds great. My husband is a chef so I’m always looking for better ways to get stains out of his clothes.

    • Jennifer

      I feel like I’ve been on this cleaning quest for 19 years!! The stains are such a pain to get out. 🙂 Good luck! Thanks for entering!

  6. Linda

    I’ve never heard of this soap before but it sounds super interesting and I’m in love with starbucks!

    • Jennifer

      I’m in love with Starbucks too. Wish I had a cup right now. 🙂

  7. Donna

    I feel like every day is laundry day and always look for new ways and different products to get out stains. This soap bar sounds interesting!

    • Jennifer

      Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a laundry fairy that came and did it for us? 🙂

  8. kristy

    I’d love to try this soap, I’m willing to try any thing that will get rid of stubborn stains on my husbands whites

    • Jennifer

      And it’s always nice to try something when you don’t have to pay for it (just in case you don’t like it.) 🙂

  9. Julie

    I have light colored carpet as well and there are some stains left by random events I’ve held at my house and would really love to get rid of them.

    • Jennifer

      Who ever thought light colored carpet was a good idea? Obviously someone without small children . . .


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