A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife – October 2014

Every month on the 10th day, I grab my camera and capture my day with 10 pictures.

I was debating whether or not to even post the pictures today . . . wondering if it went along with my purpose for this blog.

I write about trying to combine restaurant and family life.  (Or maybe I should say fighting to combine restaurant and family life.  It’s so hard!!)

Yet again, my chef/husband went to work early and got home late.  So he is not in any of the pictures.  🙁

So should I share my day?

I decided yes.  (Obviously.)

As a chef wife, I have a lot of time by myself (and by myself, I mean with 3 children.)  That is the reality of being married to a chef who works 60, 70, 80+ hours a week.  So if I leave this day out, I’m leaving out reality.  This is my life as a chef wife.

My chef/husband has been working from the minute he wakes up to the minute his head hits the pillow for what seems like forever.  It’s been a long stretch without much time off.

He drove away as we were walking to the bus stop this morning and said, “You’re not going to take my picture, are you?”  So no picture of him in his car driving away.

I guess we’ll start at the bus stop . . . (more…)

Working Opposite Schedules as Your Chef/Husband

Working the Opposite ScheduleChefs work constantly!

Just stating the obvious here, right?

However, if we’re being totally honest here, they do actually come home and sleep and rest at some point.

The problem is, this time they are home to sleep and rest is usually when we are at work.



There is really nothing positive to say about it. (Except maybe that week night dates are great because places are less crowded!!!) (more…)

Time Management and the Chef’s Wife

{This post contains affiliate links.}

Being married to a chef, (and being a stay at home mom), most of the work to be done at home falls on my shoulders.  My husband works 70-80 hours a week, so the free time he does have, he uses to sleep and spend with us.  I don’t want to have a huge list of things I need him to do around the house during the few hours he’s off.  This seems to work well for us.

There’s only one problem.

I tend to get overwhelmed easily.

Combine that with the amount of work it takes to care for a family, a home and a small business and that can be a problem!!

I’m a list maker.  OneNote is full of lists of things to do today and in the future.  I have shopping lists for different stores I need to go to.  I have a list of weekly chores for myself and the kids.  Some days I think I’m really organized and can stay on top of things.  Other days, I just look at what needs to be done and sit there overwhelmed. (more…)

Tips for Talking to a Chef’s Wife

{This post contains affiliate links. (In non-blogger language, that means I might get a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click on some of the links below.)  Thanks for supporting EmulsifiedFamily.com.}

Chefwives, you know the conversation.  You’ve just met someone and you’re making small talk about your family, the number of kids you have, where you work, where you live etc.

You know the question is coming.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

“What does your husband do for a living?”

“My husband is a chef,” you say timidly, knowing one of the statements or questions that will most likely be coming next.

  • You are so lucky!!  I would love to be married to a chef!
  • You must eat so well at home.
  • Holidays must be AMAZING at your house.
  • What’s your husband’s favorite food to make?
  • He should be on Top Chef!
  • How is it that you don’t weigh a ton?
  • What’s your favorite food that that he cooks for you?
  • What restaurant does he work at?  (Insert restaurant name here.)  Oh I love that place!

 Then when people know you a little better, the comments tend to change. (more…)