What is an Emulsified Family?

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a mixture of one liquid with another with which it cannot normally combine smoothly (like oil and water);  an atypical combination of two things

After a year of blogging on EmulsifiedFamily.com, I have come to love the name “Emulsified Family” and feel it’s the perfect way to describe our family (and probably many of yours.)

Emulsified FamilyWhy?

I’m so glad you asked!

Let’s start off by looking at it from a culinary perspective.  Emulsifying is a delicate process.  It needs to be carefully prepared.  It requires ideal conditions (temperature, balance, interaction, etc).  It won’t hold together forever unless it’s cared for, but can be repaired if it breaks.

Have you ever tried to make mayonnaise?  If you just throw all the ingredients into the blender it’s not going to work.  (Maybe it would work with a Vitamix.  But in my Oster blender . . . no way!!)  But if you take your time and carefully follow the correct procedure, you’ll get something that is far better than what you started with.  All the ingredients on their own are fine.  But together, they can be AMAZING.

Do you see what a perfect term this is to describe the family of a chef?


You Know Your Dad’s a Chef When . . . part 4

. . . you ask for an elegant Hollywood dinner party for your 10th birthday.

For our 10 year old’s birthday party, she wanted to have a Hollywood party, complete with the red carpet entry, time to film a “movie”, an awards ceremony and an elegant dinner party.

You know your dad's a chef

For the menu, she chose caesar salad, steak, baby carrots (which were vetoed by my chef/husband who chose rainbow carrots instead), mashed potatoes, sparkling cider (in our expensive wine glasses – AHHHHH!!) and then sherbet cake for dessert.

As I helped with dinner in the kitchen, (and by help I mean stand and talk to my chef/husband while he was cooking) I overhead our 10 year old say, “My Dad’s a chef, you know.”  Adorable!!

As I think about our Emulsified Family, I often forget that our children are figuring out how to combine restaurant and family life just as much as we are.


They deal with the long hours of a chef and a tired chef/daddy on his days off.  But they also get to enjoy the perks of having a father who is a chef.

An elegant dinner party for a birthday was one of those perks. (more…)

A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife – November 2014

{This post contains affiliate links.}

Every month on the 10th day, I grab my camera and capture my day with 10 pictures.

Today was one of those days.  

You know, the type of day when your chef/husband is gone all day long and you really wish he was home to help with the kids (or one kid specifically).  That was my day as a chef wife.

There should be 10 pictures.  There are 7.

The reason?

We have a 5 year old.

Enough said.

A day in the life of a chef wife

My chef/husband never likes it when I take his picture as he’s walking out the door, so here’s his stuff, ready to go this morning. 🙂  Notice the new chef coat?  Woohoo!!


Sneaking in Family Time

The traditional school calendar and the schedule of a chef do not emulsify AT ALL!!  (Sorry I couldn’t resist the “emulsify” comment.)

While my chef/husband and I had a very nice date during the school day on Wednesday, he hasn’t been able to see the girls much at all because they’ve been in school for most of the day when he’s been off.  🙁

We have to sneak in family time any time we can get it.

Little requests like, “Daddy, can you walk us to the bus stop this morning?” are a big deal at our house, because it’s time with just Daddy.

Let me share what our house was like Wednesday morning before school.  (Keep in mind the girls had not seen my chef/husband much the past few days.)  We were all up and partially awake.  Two out of the three kids felt something was terribly wrong and were concerned they could not go to school and needed to stay home.  This left my husband and I to figure out if there truly was something wrong or if they were still waking up and just really wanted to stay home because Daddy was home.  It was a rough morning all the way through breakfast. (more…)