Julia, Child – a Book for the Chef’s Kids

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If your chef kids are anything like ours, they always want to cook like Daddy (or Mommy).  They want to pick out their own ingredients and make up recipes (that we have the privilege of trying). I love their creativity and desire to learn.

The kitchen is usually a disaster afterwards, but at least that gives us the chance to teach them how to clean up after themselves, right?  (UGH!)

In our home library, we have quite a few children’s books about food, cooking and even a few about being a chef.  Our girls love to read and since our life revolves around food because of my husband’s career, we tend to read a lot of picture books that have something to do with food.

A few months ago, I came across the children’s book Julia, Child.  It’s a sweet book about two friends who love to cook and end up coming up with recipes for adults to help them grow young.  (They think grown-ups are too busy, hurried and worried.)

While the book really has nothing to do with the Chef Julia Child, I read it because of the name.  (Brilliant marketing strategy!!)  If you are familiar with Julia Child at all, you will see glimpses of her throughout the book, which is fun.

The writing of the book is clever, what really stood out to me were the illustrations!  They are adorable and so much fun to look at.  (Sorry . . . once an elementary school teacher, always a teacher I guess.  I love Children’s literature!)

Do your kids like reading books about food or cooking?  If so, what is their favorite book?  Let me know in the comments below.

From one chef wife to another,




Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board Having children with a chef on Pinterest.


  1. Jessica

    Foodie ABCs

    • Jennifer

      I just looked it up on Amazon . . . what a great book! Love that they use foodie words instead of just boring regular food! Thanks Jessica!!

  2. Crystal Green

    This sounds like such a great book. I am going to have to add it to our list of books to consider getting for the kids. My boys are always wanting to learn how to cook, and prepare meals.

    • Jennifer

      It’s so cute. When you read it, let me know if they want to get up and go cook something afterwards! 🙂


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