What is it Like to Date a Culinary Student (and Line Cook)?

I’ll be honest.  I have no idea what it’s like to date or be married to someone in culinary school, as my chef/husband never went to culinary school.

So when a fellow chef/girlfriend, offered to share her story, of course I said yes!

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Kathryn.  Her boyfriend is going to Culinary School AND working as a Line Cook at the same time.  I know there are others of you that can relate to her story!  I’m sure she’d love to hear from you in the comments after you read it!

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

I moved to Michigan in August 2011 for grad school.  I was really lonely because I was all alone in a new state, so a former college roommate of mine came to visit me for the weekend a couple of weeks after I’d moved in.  We were listening to music when we heard a knock at the door from the guy who lived in the apartment directly below mine.  He invited us over to his apartment, where he and his roommate were hanging out and playing video games.  Tuesday of that week, I went out with the guy who had knocked on my door, and we have been together since.


What is it Like to Date a Line Cook?

If you are like me, (and I know you are), you think about the future of your chef’s career.  You wonder what the next position up in the kitchen is like, or wonder what their current position is like at another restaurant.

I always love reading about other chefs and their families.  But I’ve noticed that the chefs who do write (I have no idea how they have the time) and the chef wives that write, are usually Executive Chefs or higher.  So what’s it like to be married to or dating someone in a different position than that?

I’m so excited to bring you this series, written by chef/cook girlfriends and wives that will take us through each position in the kitchen as each one is so different.

I’ve asked these ladies each the same questions and I hope you will not only enjoy getting to know them, but also a little bit more about a specific position in the kitchen and what it looks like for us who support our chefs/cooks from home.

Today, we are starting off with the position of Line Cook. Chef Girlfriend Corissa Johnson is sharing with us today about what it’s like to date a line cook.  When you’re done reading, I know she’d love to hear any comments or thoughts on how you can relate!


The Chef Wives are Talking (part 5) . . .

Today is the final post in the series, “The Chef Wives are Talking . . .”  I hope you have loved reading through all these articles as much as I have.  It’s so nice to know someone else can relate to my crazy life!

If after these 5 weeks you know of a blog or blog post that has something to do with being married to a chef, dating a chef or having children with a chef, please leave the link in the comments below so we can all read it!


The Chef Wives are Talking (part 4) . . .

For the last two posts in this series, I’m going to share with you blogs that are entirely dedicated to being married to or dating a chef.  A LOT of work goes into writing a blog, especially one in a specific niche like this.  Some of the blogs have just a few posts and others have many.  I am thankful these ladies were willing to be vulnerable and share their lives with us.  It’s not easy.

(Don’t forget to comment on a post if you like it.  As a blogger, it’s nice to know you’re writing to someone instead of just writing to the air.)
