A Day in the Life of a Chef Wife – November 2014

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Every month on the 10th day, I grab my camera and capture my day with 10 pictures.

Today was one of those days.  

You know, the type of day when your chef/husband is gone all day long and you really wish he was home to help with the kids (or one kid specifically).  That was my day as a chef wife.

There should be 10 pictures.  There are 7.

The reason?

We have a 5 year old.

Enough said.

A day in the life of a chef wife

My chef/husband never likes it when I take his picture as he’s walking out the door, so here’s his stuff, ready to go this morning. 🙂  Notice the new chef coat?  Woohoo!!

A day in the life of a chef wife

Dressing for the 43 degree weather at the bus stop this morning

A day in the life of a chef wife

Kids are at school . . . time to get to work and enjoy some coffee.

A day in the life of a chef wife

And this 5 year old right here is the reason there are only 7 pictures today. She had a very rough day (and so did I.)

A day in the life of a chef wife

More coffee! Did I mention it was a rough day. (I also really, really, like using this fun coffee maker my chef/husband got me for my birthday!)

A day in the life of a chef wife

Leaves have over taken our yard! This is one of the jobs I really don’t like doing, but feel bad asking my chef/husband to help with on his limited time off when he’s exhausted. The girls enjoy it much more than I do!

A day in the life of a chef wife

Watching our 5 year old read to our 6 year old at the end of a very long and emotionally exhausting day – priceless!

From one chef’s wife to another,



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