A Few of My Favorite Things – April 2014 – Mason Jars

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Lemon-CheesecakeI’m not sure if this happens to anyone else, but things my chef/husband uses in the restaurant and menu items he’s developing end up in our kitchen.  Sometimes it’s a salad dressing I wonder how I’ve ever lived without.  Sometimes it’s cheesecake in a jar with lemon curd which I could eat 10 of in one sitting.

Lately, it’s been mason jars.

I’ve become obsessed with mason jars and I totally blame it on my chef/husband.

And while I love mason jars, I think I might even love the plastic screw on lids even more!

You might laugh and think I’m crazy, but can I tell you that I have spent entirely too much money this month trying to find the PERFECT pen to use when labeling a mason jar.  And still haven’t found one that works perfect with condensation. (more…)