The Struggles of a Chef Wife: Sick Kids

I hadn’t intended for this to be my first topic in this series. But it’s what I’m struggling with at the moment!

Seeing your kids sick is no fun.  We’ve been fortunate to never have all 3 sick at the same time.  (Although now that I write that sentence, they will probably all wake up sick sometime soon, right?)  There have been times (like right now) they have “shared” their sickness with each other and just as one is starting to get better, another one gets hit with it.

When the kids are sick - the struggles of a chef wife
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One of the things I struggle with as a chef wife is when the kids are sick at home and I need something during the day.  My husband works about an hour away from home, so unless I know I need something early in the morning, or later in the evening, I’m pretty much on my own.

Today was tough.  After taking one child to the Dr., I got a call from the school that I needed to pick up our middle daughter who was also sick.  That left me home with an almost empty bottle of children’s Tylenol, and sick kids that needed it before chef/Daddy would be home from work late that night.

With most of our family living in another state or the local ones working full time, I had to turn to friends for help.  My kids were in no condition to take out to a store!  So I posted a quick plea on Facebook asking if any local friends were going to the store today and could pick the medicine up for us.  Within an hour, Tylenol and Motrin arrived at my door, thanks to my sweet neighbor!

It’s hard for me to ask for help.  But at times like these, I really have no choice.  I should have planned ahead better and suspected something like this might happen and run to the store late last night.  I guess I’m not as organized as I thought I was . . .

Oh and then there’s the whole complete exhaustion from caring for sick kids and feeling fried by 10 am part of the scenario that’s hard too.  But that’s just life as a parent. 🙁

What do you do when your kids are sick and your chef is working crazy hours?

From one chef’s wife to another,




Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board Having children with a chef on Pinterest.


  1. Jaime

    Particularly once our second daughter was born, I’ve had to force myself to start asking for more help when I really truly need it. There are limitations in this lifestyle, and while difficult for me to ask (“I can do it myself!”), I’ve learned it is unrealistic to do everything myself. And on the flip side, I’ve discovered that people are more than happy to lend a hand in situations like that. We have a great family community here though and “momma tribe” vibes are strong 😉

    However, doctor visits and truly sick kiddos are still 100% on me, no matter what I have going on at work. Partly because the kids do really want mommy to be with them, but also due to the inflexibility that comes with chef schedules. I find THAT to be extraordinarily frustrating. We’re extremely fortunate that I have the amount of flexibility that I do have, but my career is always last in line. Same applies when “Nana” is sick (as she watches our kids on the 3 days we both work). I always have to be the one to take off of work – which is probably even more frustrating than when the kids are sick. At least they’ve got my emotional pull when they’re the ill ones.

    • Jennifer

      There’s just something about needing Mom when they are sick. (I remember as a young adult still wanting my Mom when I was sick.) 🙂 Is there someone else you could call last minute to help with the kids when Nana is sick?

      • Jaime

        I agree about wanting mommy in that case. And realistically I’d be distracted and worried at work anyway, so that frustration typically passes pretty quickly. As far as when Nana is sick… I don’t have anyone else right now as backup. And that’s the dog’s fault – he isn’t good with strangers (strangers to him, not necessarily us) in the house, and is extremely protective of me and the girls. We love him but will readily admit he further complicates this whole chef family situation. Hope your kiddos are feeling better Jennifer!!

        • Jennifer

          Silly dog! 🙂 The girls are all better FINALLY! It’s nice to be back on a regular routine again! Thanks Jaime. 🙂


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