What is it Like to Date a Culinary Student (and Line Cook)?

I’ll be honest.  I have no idea what it’s like to date or be married to someone in culinary school, as my chef/husband never went to culinary school.

So when a fellow chef/girlfriend, offered to share her story, of course I said yes!

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Kathryn.  Her boyfriend is going to Culinary School AND working as a Line Cook at the same time.  I know there are others of you that can relate to her story!  I’m sure she’d love to hear from you in the comments after you read it!

Tell me a little about yourself and your chef (how you met, how long you’ve been together, do you have kids, etc.)

I moved to Michigan in August 2011 for grad school.  I was really lonely because I was all alone in a new state, so a former college roommate of mine came to visit me for the weekend a couple of weeks after I’d moved in.  We were listening to music when we heard a knock at the door from the guy who lived in the apartment directly below mine.  He invited us over to his apartment, where he and his roommate were hanging out and playing video games.  Tuesday of that week, I went out with the guy who had knocked on my door, and we have been together since.


What is it Like to be Married to a Chef?

“Being married to a chef must be the best thing ever.  #marriedtoachef.”

This is what I read as I glanced at twitter this morning.

Really?  Best thing ever?

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not complaining.  I love that my husband is a chef.  I love that when he is home, he cooks, because the food tastes SO MUCH BETTER!!  I love that I can show him a recipe and he can immediately tell if it’s going to turn out.  I love that he currently has 12,206 files in his recipe directory on Google Drive.  I love how handsome he looks in his chef coat each morning when he walks out the door.  The list could go on and on . . .

But let me let you in on a little secret, in case you are reading this and are not married to a chef.  The life of a chef is not as glamorous as it looks on the Food Network. Let me give you a few examples . . . (more…)

Raising a Family with a Chef – The Infant Phase

So you made it through pregnancy.  All your fears of your chef/husband not being able to make it to the hospital for the baby’s delivery were unnecessary as he was there in plenty of time. 🙂

But now you have this sweet little baby and your chef/husband is back to work, working a billion hours a week (OK, not that many, but it sure seems like it).  You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, lonely and some days really, really, really, wish you had another adult to talk to.  Raising a family with a chef isn’t easy.


The Struggles of a Chef Wife – Loneliness


I think this might be the biggest reason that spouses and significant others of chefs find my website.  Many of us are sitting at home on Saturday nights while most of our friends are out and about . . . yet our chefs are at work and we are home by ourselves (or with the kids) and are lonely.

It’s interesting.  Loneliness has looked different to me at different times in my life.

When we were first married and my husband and I were working opposite schedules, I would get home, eat dinner by myself, and spend the night alone.  I was lonely.  I missed him.  I wished he could be home so we could spend time together.  I hated having all that time without him.

I found ways to occupy my time while he was at work.  I watched TV, worked on my weekly Bible Study, did pages in my scrapbook, etc.  But I would still think of him many times during the night and miss him.  I was lonely.  It was silent in our home and I struggled with the long hours he was working.  I hated having all that time to myself.

Fast forward 19 years and the loneliness looks different.  (I wish I had more time by myself – LOL!) (more…)

Start Here

****Before I show you around my blog, I want you to know that It is here as a resource only and that I’m not currently updating it.  My current health no longer allows me the time and energy to keep up with it.  Please don’t stop reading though!  There are years of posts and comments here for you!!****

Welcome! I know it’s not easy to navigate around a new blog.  So let me help you find what you are looking for.

Emulsified Family 3

If you are lonely because your chef is working so many hours and wonder if anyone else can relate, click here to read my blog or check out my most popular posts.  (And BTW, yes, I can relate!)

If you are a chef and wonder what it’s like to be married to or dating someone in your profession, click here.

If you’re not married to or dating a chef but you wonder what it’s like, click here.

If you want some suggestions on how to get stains and smells out of chef clothes, click here.

If you’d like some tips on how to best support your chef, click here.

If you’d like to know more about the chef wife who writes this blog, click here.

If you’d like to connect with other chef wives and girlfriends in a closed Facebook Group click here (after looking around the website of course!)

From one chef’s wife to another,


Follow Jennifer @ Emulsified Family’s board Married to a Chef on Pinterest.